
XanthaCraft Network Rules 

Our goal is to provide all players with the best experience on our server by providing a safe and fun gaming environment. We go about this by strictly enforcing the rules below. Please read all rules and follow them accordingly. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse and will not help you appeal a ban.


Account Sharing
Account sharing is not disallowed. Although, we strongly discourage players from sharing their accounts. Several of our punishments include IP-bans. Sharing your account could get you into trouble since your IP address will be linked to other accounts. Your account is your responsibility.

High CPS Clicking Methods

Any type of auto-clicking is strictly forbidden. We also strongly discourage manual-clicking methods that cause extremely high CPS because our AntiCheat could possibly false-flag and ban you.

Auto Clicking
XanthaCraft Network defines any method that allows you to do any task/action such as fishing, grinding, farming, etc while not at your keyboard as a form of auto clicking, this includes methods such as unplugging your mouse, and F3 + T to trick Minecraft into thinking you are still clicking. XanthaCraft Network will take these as forms of auto clicking and players will be punished with punishments listed in the tables below.

Global Rules

Rule (Disallowed)

First Offense

Second Offense

Third Offense

Fourth Offense

Fifth Offense

Account trading

IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (90 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)


Account-Ban (7 Days)

Account-Ban (30 Days)

Account-Ban (90 Days)

Account-Ban (Permanent)

Auto ClickingAccount-Ban (1 Day)Account-Ban (5 Days)
Account-Ban (7 Days)
Account-Ban (14 Days)
Account-Ban (30 Days)
Economy Scripting (Auto Farming/Fishing)Account-Ban (2 Day)
Account-Ban (6 Days)
Account-Ban (14 Days)

Ban evasion

IP-Ban (Permanent)


IP-Ban (Permanent)

Cheating and illegal modifications*

IP-Ban (90 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Cyber/DDoS threats and wishes

IP-Ban (90 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)


IP-Ban (3 Days)

IP-Ban (7 Days)

IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (90 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Death threats and wishes

IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (90 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Doxing (including threats)

IP-Ban (90 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)


IP-Ban (Permanent)

Encouraging breaking the rules

IP-Ban (1 Day)

IP-Ban (3 Days)

IP-Ban(7 Days)

IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Excessive Cursing (Use of Slurs and Other Derogatory Language)WarningAccount-Mute (1 Day)Account-Mute (3 Days)
Account-Mute (7 Days)


IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (90 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Falsifying evidence

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Forbidden links

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Inappropriate capes and skins

IP-Ban (7 Days)

IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (90 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Inappropriate content


Account-Mute (12 Hours)

Account-Mute (2 Days)

Account-Ban (5 Days)

Account-Ban (8 Days)

Inappropriate username

Account Ban (5 Days + Fix Name Before Rejoining)

Account Ban (Permanent)

Lag machines

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Media advertising

IP-Ban (7 Days)

IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (90 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Negative use of disabilities and diseases

IP-Ban (7 Days)

IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)

X-RayAccount-Ban (7 Days)Account-Ban (14 Days)Account-Ban (30 Days)Account-Ban (60 Days)
Account-Ban (Permanent)

Real money trading

IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Sexual content

IP-Ban (1 Day)

IP-Ban (3 Days)

IP-Ban (7 Days)

IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)



Account-Mute (1 Day)

Account-Mute (3 Days)

Account-Ban (7 Days)

Account-Ban (14 Days)

Spamming commands


Account-Mute (1 Day)

Account-Mute (3 Days)

Account-Ban (7 Days)

Account-Ban (14 Days)

Disrespect or Disorderly ConductWarningAccount-Ban (3 Days)Account-Ban (7 Days)
Account-Ban (10 Days)
Account-Ban (14 Days)
Staff impersonating
Account-Ban (90 Days)
Account-Ban (Permanent)

Teaming with cheaters

IP-Ban (7 Days)

IP-Ban (30 Days)

IP-Ban (Permanent)

Discord Rules 

1. Do Not ping or spam @Admin @Moderator Etc

2. Do not promote your server, youtube, twitch, etc here or in other users dms.  If someone is sending you invites through dms please contact a @Moderator or someone of authority.

3. Please respect everyone of the server (this also means if someone asks you to stop doing something, please stop, and do not argue with mods)

4. No talk on race, politics, or sex

5. No Doxing, Does, Hacking, catfishing or posting others personal information, doing any of these will result in immediate ban. Again if you know someone who has a suspicion of being a hacker or catfish contact a @Moderator or someone of authority right away 

6. No spreading of propaganda in the Server to damage reputation. This will not be taken lightly.

7. No exploiting loopholes in the rules to find a way to avoid consequences. Your consequence is up to the moderators(meaning if they feel something is wrong they can do whatever punishment they think is right and have authority to make any consequence if they feel it's an emergency. This means no expression of sadness, rape, racism, depression(fake or real; shouldn't be brought up), any past events to exploit and start another argument). Again these are wrong doings and will not be taken lightly

8. No harassment of any kind, no nudes, no lies. Your trust is built up by how you act yelling at moderators or questioning their abilities and beliefs only makes it harder to get what you want. You will not be recruited to be a mod or admin if any of these acts are shown.

9. No spamming, no trolling, no smartass comments, no off topic messages (this also means no images in general post that in media , and other petty bullcrap that's a way around the rules to purposely antagonize another members)

10. More rules will be made if needed for discord